Navigating the AI Evolution Insights from the 2023 Gartner Hype Cycle

Deciphering the transformative impact of generative AI in the modern business landscape.

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Reference - What’s New in Artificial Intelligence from the 2023 Gartner Hype Cycle from Gartner:

Overview: The 2023 Gartner Hype Cycle™ for Artificial Intelligence (AI) focuses on identifying innovations and techniques in AI that promise transformative benefits while addressing the challenges and risks of imperfect systems. The article emphasizes the importance of considering AI strategies that offer credible cases for investment. Notably, generative AI and decision intelligence are expected to gain mainstream adoption within the next two to five years. Early adoption of these innovations can provide a competitive edge and simplify the integration of AI models into business processes.

Key Points:

  1. Generative AI’s Dominance:
    • Generative AI has significantly increased productivity for developers and knowledge workers, exemplified by systems like ChatGPT.
    • This has led organizations to reevaluate their business processes and the value of human resources.
    • Generative AI has reached the “Peak of Inflated Expectations” on the Hype Cycle.
  2. Two Facets of the Generative AI Movement:
    • Innovations Fueled by GenAI: This category includes areas related to content discovery, creation, authenticity, regulations, and the automation of human tasks. Some of the technologies in this category are:
      • Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
      • AI Engineering
      • Autonomic Systems
      • Cloud AI Services
      • Composite AI
      • Computer Vision
      • Data-centric AI
      • Edge AI
      • Intelligent Applications
      • Model Operationalization (ModelOps)
      • Operational AI Systems (OAISys)
      • Prompt Engineering
      • Smart Robots
      • Synthetic Data
    • Innovations that Fuel GenAI Advancement: The exploration of generative AI is accelerating, with many organizations experimenting with it. Some technologies driving generative AI forward are:
      • AI Simulation
      • AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management (AI TRiSM)
      • Causal AI
      • Data Labeling and Annotation (DL&A)
      • First-principles AI (FPAI)
      • Foundation Models
      • Knowledge Graphs
      • Multiagent Systems (MAS)
      • Neurosymbolic AI
      • Responsible AI
  3. Generative AI’s Growing Popularity:
    • Generative AI exploration is gaining momentum due to the popularity of stable diffusion, midjourney, ChatGPT, and large language models.
    • Many startups in 2023 are innovating with generative AI, and governments are considering regulations for its impacts.


The article provides a comprehensive overview of the current state and future trajectory of generative AI, highlighting its transformative potential and the need for strategic investment and adoption.

The rapid advancements in generative AI have the potential to significantly reshape industries and job roles in various ways:

-. Media and Journalism:

In essence, while generative AI will undoubtedly lead to the automation of certain tasks and possibly the obsolescence of some roles, it will also create new opportunities, roles, and ways of working. The key for industries and professionals is adaptability, continuous learning, and understanding how to leverage AI to augment human capabilities.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of GenAI, organizations face a pivotal choice: to harness the innovations powered by GenAI or to pioneer the very innovations that propel GenAI forward. Where will you position yourself in this transformative journey?

Read on

If you are interested in Citizen Development, refer to this book outline here on Empower Innovation: A Guide to Citizen Development in Microsoft 365

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If you wish to delve into GenAI, read Enter the world of Generative AI

Also, you can look at this blog post series from various sources.

  • Hackernoon
  • Hashnode
  • Medium
  • Stay tuned! on Generative AI Blog Series

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